More alive, more alove
I feel a little more alive in this body than I did yesterday. It’s warm so I pulled off my sweater. I like it when my skin is breathing... when I can smell dirt that has been rained on. When raindrops sit on the surface of everything. When I can smell my own skin while I walk down the sidewalk towards you. I like it when my roots are pulsing with life force and the channels of my body are rhythmically moving my blood through my veins. My heartbeat dancing in the groove. I like it when we sit by side and feel these things together. Yes, I feel more Alove today than yesterday. I’m here. I’m noticing. This body thanks me for feeling all these delicious things.
#innerorbit #vibrationalfrequency #alove #alive #lifeisbeautiful #bewildmybeatingheart #indigoheartbeat