Morning meditation
5am and I’m naturally awake and eager for the day... swimming in the early morning vibes and aligning with my highest frequency for the...
More alive, more alove
I feel a little more alive in this body than I did yesterday. It’s warm so I pulled off my sweater. I like it when my skin is...
We are all so connected
#ONElove ❤️ #weareallsoconnected
Running programs downloaded from our ancestors
Most of us are just running the programs we downloaded from our ancestors. Cracking out of the programming that suffocates us requires a...
Pool of love...
When I die, I hope my closest inner circle of beloveds say ~ she loved us so devotedly. ... and she floated in the pool of...
Evening meditation
I love my bedroom meditation space... my favorite treasures and reminders of internal places I have visited. #eveningmeditation...
Subtle energy
Subtle energy... that’s what fascinates me... How my fingertips tingle or the heat raises a micro-degree with the exchange of love....
Who’s in?
I just want to know... who's in? who's really in? where is my tribe? where are my playmates? my lovers? my art makers? my friends? where...